Tuesday, October 16, 2007

OPKs, BBT, CM/CP, Saliva Microscopes.

The saliva microscope detects the estrogen surge that comes before (and triggers) the LH surge

Cervical changes, positive OPK, O pains can all be attributed to the LH surge, yes you can surge and not ovulate.

All of the things mentioned above give you cues that ovulation is coming but NOT that it has occurred. Only the BBT can give you that information (along with ultrasounds and serum progesterone levels)

Yes, your body can "gear up" to O, have all the symptoms ,and not O.

The only way you could be reasonably sure O occured would be to have a clearly Bi-phasic temperature chart (temp increase is due to the progesterone released by the corpus luteum after ovulation-no ovulation=no corpus luteum=no jump in progesterone=no jump in temp), an increase in serum progesterone from prior levels, or visualizing it on an ultrasound.

My OB said "you didn't ovulate" this month when he got my serum progesterone level back.....until he saw my obvious biphasic chart along with everything else and said "Clearly you did" and put me on progesterone supplementation.

Some other explanations could be that:
1) you ovulated but not effectively or with a "bad egg"
2) you ovulated but the egg did not fertilize for whatever reason (remember, even with perfect timing there's only a 20-25% chance each cycle)
3) you ovulated, fertilized, but did not implant
4) you ovulated, fertilized, implanted then miscarried.
5) you are really pregnant and it is just not showing up yet (doubtful but not impossible!)

I would say to go to your doc and get some lab work, try to find out why you haven't started yet, and start charting your temps to identify possible anovulatory cycles quickly and try to determine underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

Hope this helps and I hope you don't need any of it because you have a "hidden" BFP!